The Linux Professional Hosting Plan that guarantees the optimization of the loading time of a website. Designed for those ecommerce projects that need specific hosting services and in particular for online shops developed with Prestashop.
The Linux Professional Hosting service is specialized in optimizing Prestashop, taking into account the particular cases and demands of an ecommerce.
The characteristics of this type of hosting ensure that your online shop works well. This hosting service focuses on accelerating the loading speed of the web and optimizing the website for mobile.
This Hosting Plan with pre-installed Prestashop, will allow you to start developing an ecommerce, without having to worry about making the configurations of the initial installation.
If you already have an online shop, you can perform a Gtmetrix Web Speed Test or a Pingdom Web Speed Test and check if the loading speed is too slow. Catalogs, the shopping cart, the management of shipping systems, payment methods, orders, billing and optimizing images for the web without losing quality, require web speed to be sufficient to carry out all the processes in a reasonable time to the client. The improvement of all these functions translates into web optimization for search engines and in optimizing the web page for Google, therefore greater visibility and more clients.
A higher speed of the web page directly influences the process of optimizing a website for SEO, so it will help improve the position in search engines, increase the number of visitors and increase sales, due to a better experience of user. If you are wondering how to optimize my website? ... we can assure you that this Professional Linux Hosting service is the best Hosting for ecommerce and specifically the best Hosting for Prestashop. So, how to optimize your website? ... The optimization of web pages begins by optimizing web load, obtaining better results in a web speed meter and complying with the following: A service capable of achieving optimal load speed performance for a web page and capable of optimizing the website supporting all ecommerce processes. Technical features capable of optimizing the loading of web images on the main page, in the product listings and in the product page of Prestashop. All of the above, done efficiently and working hand in hand with experts in the development and support of online shops. A Hosting for Prestashop has to be of a high level and with good features, due to the requirements demanded by the functions of ecommerce. Not having adequate hosting will generate problems both at the interface and user experience level, as well as in internal management processes.
Our professional Hosting service offers totally free! the registration of a domain that can be ".es" or ".com". Thus, you will get the benefit of ownership of this domain for free, during the first year and you will be able to start your project with everything you need.
If you already have a website made, we take care of the migration process for the change of server ... and the best! ... the migration service is included for free in this Professional Linux Hosting Plan for Prestashop. Much more than just a Prestashop Web Hosting service, this is the best Online Shop Hosting.
The shop's files and database will always be safe, thanks to the backup made every day. Also, like any web hosting service these days, a free Let's Encrypt SSL certificate and a CloudFlare CDN are included, to meet the security required in modern browsers. Thus, you can provide confidence to your visitors, and offer 100% secure online payment processes.