We are experts in the development of Online Shops with responsive custom design, adaptable to any device.
Our experience in this field allows us to offer everything you need to sell online to end customers (B2C) and we know everything you need to create private shops (B2B) that allow online trade between professionals and wholesalers.
How to hire?
Below we present the modalities in which the contracting of the Online Shop development service is offered, the selection of your order will depend on whether you already have the accommodation (hosting) and domain or if you require us to include the contracting of these, together with the online shop development plan.

- Responsive Design Responsive Design adaptable to Any Device, Button styles, mouse events, background colors and other elements according to the image corporate or brand
- Optimal Configuration Configuration of Carrier Zones, Rates and Shipping Options, Tax Rules, Payment Methods, Cookie Acceptance Notice , compliance with the RGPD Regulations (GDPR Europe) and inclusion of examples of links to texts of Privacy Policies, Legal Notice, General Conditions, Returns Policy and Shipping Policy
- Training and Documentation 1 hour included of Training and Documentation necessary to manage and administer the online shop
- Custom Modifications Custom Modifications of the Template Structure (theme), Images, position of elements on the main page and layout custom content pages
- Blog Section design for the publication of news, novelties and other articles.
- Multi Language International Shop with translations in 3 languages
- Statistics and Sitemap Install Statistics Tracking Modules or Tags (Google Analytics), generate Site Map page (Site Map ) and indexing in search engines. (Google Search Console and Bing Webmasters Tools)
- Google reCaptcha V2 Google Captcha Protection in Native Forms to avoid Spam
- Git Version Control Creation of a Private Git Repository to keep track of changes and versions, as well as keeping an updated incremental copy of the shop, in case you need it
Details Hire

- Responsive Design Responsive Design adaptable to Any Device, Button styles, mouse events, background colors and other elements according to the image corporate or brand
- Optimal Configuration Configuration of Carrier Zones, Rates and Shipping Options, Tax Rules, Payment Methods, Cookie Acceptance Notice , compliance with the RGPD Regulations (GDPR Europe) and inclusion of examples of links to texts of Privacy Policies, Legal Notice, General Conditions, Returns Policy and Shipping Policy
- Training and Documentation 2 hours included of Training and Documentation necessary to manage and administer the online shop
- Custom Modifications Custom Modifications of the Template Structure (theme), Images, position of elements on the main page and layout custom content pages
- Blog Section design for the publication of news, novelties and other articles.
- Multi Language International Shop with translations in 3 languages
- Statistics and Sitemap Installation of Modules or Statistics Tracking Tags (Google Analytics), generate Site Map page (Site Map) and indexing in search engines. (Google Search Console and Bing Webmasters Tools)
- Google reCaptcha V2 Google Captcha Protection in Native Forms to avoid Spam
- Git Version Control Creation of a Private Git Repository to keep track of changes and versions, as well as keeping an updated incremental copy of the shop, in case you need it
Details Hire

- Responsive Design Responsive Design adaptable to Any Device, Button styles, mouse events, background colors and other elements according to the image corporate or brand
- Optimal Configuration Configuration of Carrier Zones, Rates and Shipping Options, Tax Rules, Payment Methods, Cookie Acceptance Notice , compliance with the RGPD Regulations (GDPR Europe) and inclusion of examples of links to texts of Privacy Policies, Legal Notice, General Conditions, Returns Policy and Shipping Policy
- Training and Documentation 3 hours included of Training and Documentation necessary to manage and administer the online shop
- Custom Modifications Custom Modification of the Template Structure (theme), Images, position of elements on the main page and design custom content pages
- Blog Section design for the publication of news, novelties and other articles.
- Multi Language International Shop with translations in 3 languages
- Statistics and Sitemap Install Statistics Tracking Modules or Tags (Google Analytics), generate Site Map page (Site Map ) and indexing in search engines. (Google Search Console and Bing Webmasters Tools)
- Google reCaptcha V3 Google Captcha Protection in Native Forms to avoid Spam
- Git Version Control Creation of a Private Git Repository to keep track of changes and versions, as well as keeping an updated incremental copy of the shop, in case you need it
Details Hire
Which one to hire?
You can inform us about your requirements and we will give you our expert opinion, to do so, contact us through the following link: Contact Form and indicate some of the characteristics of the project, so that we can make an assessment of your needs, we will respond as soon as possible.
What are the requirements?
Within the description of these development services, you can find detailed prerequisites and each of the specific tasks to be carried out by us.
What are the guarantees?
The commitment to fulfill the specific tasks and conditions mentioned above, as well as the agreement to confidentiality in which we are committed to safeguarding your information and the sensitive information of your clients, are included in a service contract that we will send you signed and whose model can be consulted at the following link: Service contract and confidentiality agreement .
What type of hosting to contract?
It is also very important to consider the type of hosting server that each shop requires, depending on its needs, not all services of this type work well and at the speed required for an e-commerce project, both for the customer to Browse at ease through the sections of the business, such as for the administrative management (backoffice) of the same. We know what is required in each case, that is why we take care of offering the hosting and domain purchase plans that we have selected and that we know are of a high level and excellent features, in addition to including said plans together with the contracting of other services, significant discounts can be obtained on the final cost of the investment made in this regard.